Want SharePoint Audit History for More Than 90 Days?

If your organization uses SharePoint it's important that you have an accurate, permanent audit history of who did what in your intranet. This is necessary for security and compliance and it's useful for auditing purposes.

Whereas Microsoft only makes available the last 90 days of your SharePoint audit history, SharePoint Vitals makes it available for all-time.

Until now, this included the analytics data about your SharePoint sites, users, documents, pages, locations, browsers, devices and more. But it did not include the core properties of SharePoint entities, for example the display name of a site, or the created date or last modified date of a document.

This information was always available in Vitals but it was coming directly from the Microsoft Graph at runtime.

This was a problem if a document got permanently deleted from SharePoint. While you would be able to analyze its historical data in Vitals, you wouldn't be able to see its display name or created/modified date or author, because that document was no longer accessible via the Microsoft Graph. Same with sites, pages, and users.

So our development team waved their remote wands and magicked an update ✨ that now permanently stores the core properties of your SharePoint entities in our platform.

Now you can be sure that if someone does something fishy in your corporate intranet you'll have that information accessible to you forever, satisfying compliance requirements and making you smile 😃